Tuesday 29 March 2011


Also see; kriyayogatoday.blogspot.com
                          Mahavatar Babaji

It was in 1861 in the Himalayan foothills where Lahiri Mahasaya was initiated into Kriya Yoga by the perennial Savior Babaji.
This was a special and auspicious day for humanity and spirituality!

Did Lahiri Mahasaya himself simplify Kriya Yoga? 
It doesn't matter -  It still works wonders!
many teachers are touting an "Original Kriya Yoga" to attract followers.
These teachers are not living gurus, difficult to know! Once one reaches divine realization one is a "living Guru" whether in body or not.

Did you get that personal darshan in a previous life, you don't know. It doesn't need repeating every lifetime.
And if your teacher is not advanced enough it won't really amount to the real thing! It is not lineage succession alone that qualifies one to give sacred darshan, but the spiritual attainment of the teacher. This is not like the empty claims
of authority of a priesthood succession.

he work and great saints produced through Yogananda's Kriya teaching gives ample evidence that it works very powerfully. Also the Master gave methods for every important yoga approach to the divine realization.
What more can one ask from a "Living Guru."?

ome persons have been to India and researched the so-called "original Kriya Yoga" only to find that it was barely different at all from what is found in Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogoda Sat Sangha.
The differences sometimes hinted at have never really been explained by anyone - why?

                                                       Lahiri Mahasaya

For free basic meditation instructions go to                        www.yogananda-srf.com

                     Paramahansa Yogananda
Learn all about this great prophet at

Also visit        Babajikriyayoga.blogspot.com
  and                Kriyayogatoday.blogspot.com

The wisdom and Compassion
 of Paramahansa Yogananda 

" To be known by God is everything. 
Like Buddha who gave up everything, 
live only for God, Self-Realization Fellowship, and Guru's work,
and you will attain everlastingness in heaven."
Previous lives, from Journey to Self-Realization
by Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF Publishers, LA USA, Page 131

"It is a most wonderful experience to meet and recognize someone you knew before - someone with whom you have traveled the same pathway of life in former incarnations. All those in my family I knew from past lives. And every now and then I meet others who were known to me in previous incarnations, such as friends of my childhood. The the have nothing in common with my present life, the are souls I had know before. "

all material on this site [except photos and quotes from other publications] is under copywrite by webmaster.

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